
Best paid countries for Hoteliers

Here we will share the list of countries after lots of research that are best suitable to work and well paid for Hotel and Tourism industry. 1. United States of America 2. Australia 3. Canada 4. Switzerland 5. Newzland 6. United Kingdom 7. Germany 8. Singapore 9. Saudi Arabia 10. Hong Kong

Pasta Types

Names of some popular pastas  Fusilli  Rigatoni  Cannelloni  Spaghetti Rotini Lasagna  Macaroni  Linguini  Tagliatelle  Fettuccini Penne  Gnocchi  Ravioli Ditali  Conchiglioni  Tortellini  Cavatelli

Never Believed

Food, Drinks, party, family get together and events is always part of our life and will be. All this can be included in Hospitality sector. Who was knowing the Hospitality industry once was believed, it will never be affected in any condition is now struggling to stand. The time is changing and has changed everything. We need to think modern ways to get the changes. The traditional hospitality will be lost soon and will be entering to new Era of modern hospitality where the technology will play a vital role. Scanned menus through QR codes and place your order through App, Robot service, mixologist and cooks will be taking over human. Molecular food science will be replaced over the traditional food. Sure it will be more of fascinating when we are entering to the modern world but we must not completely lose our traditional hospitality of human touch which does creates a memory of experience.